April 2005

General Conference

April started off so nicely with General Conference. Phillip and Loren came home for the weekend and we had a nice visit. They brought their friend and roommate, Chris along and it was nice to get to know him.

Matt and Elasha

The other fun thing about Conference weekend is that my brother Matt, his wife Elasha and their kids came to visit from Pittsburgh where he is doing his residency. So, Sunday afternoon, we were all together at Melinda's house -- crowded, but very fun! We each got a turn having them stay with us.

When it was our turn we had a great time. We packed a lot of things in -- Elasha came with me to my institute class (she had taken several classes by Brother Wilcox), I taught Elasha how to crochet a leper bandage, we flew kites and had a picnic at the park, went to the temple together, we taught them how to play Nerts (card game), went to the sibling Lion House dinner, and watched Finding Neverland late one night. The only thing I regret, is that we didn't have much time to sit and talk -- as adults. Not quite enough quiet time. Maybe when we go visit them in the Fall.

Vacation to Dana Point

Speaking of trips, Alan and I were deciding we needed a little trip just for us and so with Pat and Wally's Christmas gift to us of Marriott points, we took ourselves to Dana Point, California.

We had a wonderful time. It was a very nice hotel and we had a great room with an ocean view. We had some great seafood and mostly hung out on the beach. Alan did a lot of reading. I did a lot of nothing. I love to just sit on the beach and watch the endless waves rolling in. We found our own little cove, "Wood's Cove" that I now call Brown's Cove. It was a fairly secluded place on Laguna Beach. Saturday we did have to share it with a few others -- scuba divers, girls in bikinis -- kind of annoying really :) but Friday and Monday we pretty much had it to ourselves.

It was my first visit to the ocean since the Tsunami in India and I did have some sobering thoughts as I tried to imagine the ocean going from calm and beautiful to killer waves. How strong, relentless and powerful the ocean is, as well as being calming and soothing -- I think it lulled me to sleep at least a couple of different times!

On Sunday we went to the Laguna Beach Ward. I always enjoy seeing how the gospel is the same everywhere, especially the sisters who are always so welcoming in Relief Society. That afternoon we took a drive down to San Diego to Point Loma Lighthouse. There is an old one on the top of the point that was sometimes hidden by the fog and a new one down on the coast that is currently operating. I love to go see lighthouses -- always have.

Sunday also brought scary news that Alan's brother Barrie, who is deathly allergic to nuts, was on a business / pleasure trip in the Bahamas and had accidentally eaten a nut and had gone into anaphylactic shock, requiring defibrillation to get his heart going again. It all turned out ok -- he is expected to make a full recovery -- but needless to say, it was very scary for the whole family and I can't even imagine how frightening the whole thing was for his wife Bonnie who luckily was with him. We are so grateful that he is finally home after spending an extra week in the hospital there. Gosh, some people will do anything to extend their vacation!

Madeleine's Birthday

We came home on Madeleine's 14th Birthday, and had a family birthday dinner with Pat and Wally, Phillip, Loren, and his girlfriend Anne. Loren made a yummy new pasta dish (Madeleine loves Italian) and we had a great time visiting. Anne is a very nice girl and they seem to be really good friends. Kind of a new experience for us -- having girlfriends brought home -- hum . . . we'll keep you posted.

Back to BYU

Phillip and Loren are back down at BYU for Spring term. They decided to room together this time and moved off campus to Carriage Cove apartments. We'll see how they like hiking up to campus instead of being right there. There are definitely pros and cons.

Alan's Birthday

So, we finished the month with yet another birthday. Alan had his 45th birthday Saturday. Clark and Elliot took him bowling and out to lunch that morning and that night he and I went to dinner and the movies.

Sunday Alan's mother invited us all to dinner for Halusky -- Alan's favorite dinner. Phillip, Loren and Anne met us there and we had a great time eating and watching Alan open gifts. We even got a chance to talk to Diane, Alan's sister, on the phone. It was a really nice day.

Tess's School Prom

On Saturday we helped Tess and her friend Liz get ready for the Waterford Prom. That's right, the big dance finally arrived. Tess was very excited and somehow these things always turn into family affairs, so we were helping with hair, make-up, flowers, etc. Of course I had to take pictures when their young men came to get them. I think it's a good thing I do, as it seems like the school dance pictures don't always turn out that great! Maybe they should hire me -- ha! ha!

I am really appreciating the fact that we have so much great family around. I'm sorry that I don't make more of an effort to be a part of everyone's lives. I am resolved to try harder.
