This spring, conference was especially fun because Alan was able to get six tickets for the Priesthood Session at the Conference Center. Because of Phillip being on a mission when Clark received the priesthood, and because Loren's and Phillip's missions overlapped, this was the first time that Alan and his dad could go with all four of the boys. So now Grandma goes out to dinner with us girls — and this year we had Madeleine's good friend and roommate Maddie spend conference weekend with us. That's right...her name is Madeleine too!
We are pleased to announce that Alan started a new job on April 12th working with the Family History department of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He works in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, formerly the Hotel Utah. His favorite part is getting to wear a white shirt and tie to work and of course...the commute downtown everyday! He originally thought he would drive most days, but after two days commuting, he decided to try taking Trax and ended up buying a pass that same day. He likes the idea of letting someone else do the driving while he reads! We are very grateful to be employed again and of course, to have insurance. Thank you everyone for your prayers.
Now that Elliot can drive and date, he decided to ask his school friend Natalie to the Waterford Spring Dance. They ended up in a group with a couple of girls who decided to go "stag" but actually did end up taking a couple of cute guys with them! They had dinner at Buca di Bepo and then enjoyed the dance with all their friends at Red Butte Gardens and then went bowling. I forgot to ask how those "stiff" boys did at bowling?!
On April 23rd, Loren became our first college graduate. He graduated in Psychology with a double minor in Spanish and Art. He worked hard and appreciates all the support this last year from his cute wife Anne. I hope she is okay with another 4 years of school as he will begin his graduate work in Psychology at BYU in the fall. Some family attended the big Thursday commencement program and some the smaller program on Friday where they shake your hand and give you a fake diploma promising to replace it with a real one when all your overdue library fees have been paid up! (Watch the video of Loren receiving his diploma.) We had a fun celebratory dinner Thursday night and enjoyed having Anne's parents join us.
We celebrated the end of April with birthdays. Madeleine turned 19 this year. She finished up her freshman year at BYU and moved home just in time to celebrate. The theme for her this year seemed to be baking — she was given a Martha Stewart cookie cookbook and a new Cake cookbook. I hope she tries out all the recipes this summer while she is home!
Alan quietly turned the big 50 this year. His birthday gift theme was definitely new ties. I had told all the kids that he really needed a bigger selection now that he wears one everyday to work. Unbeknownst to me, he told his mom ties would be a great idea, so he is least until Father's Day...:)
As a really special gift, Alan's parents put together a slide show of photos documenting Alan's life from the very beginning. It was fun to see him "grow up" before our very eyes! What a wonderful record to add to our family history.