August 2002
Elliot Playing Basketball
Elliot is turning into quite the basketball player. He signed
up with two of his friends, Michael Stewart and Daniel Valentine. They played at
the Dimple Dell Rec. Center. We think they did a really good job teaching and
coaching the kids. I have a new found appreciation for sports photographers — it
is a lot harder than I had thought! No wonder they make big bucks for capturing
the play. I'll assume that it has a lot to do with having the proper
Tess Playing Volleyball
After waiting all summer, Tess finally got to try out for the
Waterford JV Volleyball Team. The try-outs were so difficult that she
momentarily wondered if she really wanted this in her life! She did make
the team and spent the next three weeks at all day volleyball practices.
They have won their first two games so far and she has seen some action, so all
is good. To witness some of this fun sport first hand, you are
welcome to see the schedule.
Two Piano Family Recital
When my sister Melanie decided to move to a duplex while her
house was being built, we lucked out by getting the opportunity of having her
piano for a year or so. We nestled it along side our piano and had a lot of fun
playing two piano music. We decided that since Melanie is about to take her
piano back, we should have a little two piano recital featuring
well...everything we could possible play! Even Alan and Elliot played two
primary duets (sorry no picture). That is only really amazing because Elliot had
taken only two piano lesson at that point. I guess we will have to call him a
"quick study!" We had a few friends and family come — just enough to make us
nervous, and we served homemade cheesecake with raspberries for refreshments. It
has really been fun to have this opportunity — we will be sad to see the piano
Kids' Temple Drawings
Just recently, our ward started asking the primary children
to draw pictures of temples that they can then reproduce on the cover of the
Sunday bulletin. Both Elliot and Clark volunteered and we decided it might be
fun for you to see their handiwork.
Storytelling Festival
One of our very
most favorite things to do at the end of each summer, is to go to the Timpanogos
Storytelling Festival in Orem. This was their 13th year and we have been every
year. Alan and I helped a lot in the beginning years of the festival, but then
dropped off over the years following our move to Sandy. If you have never heard
of this festival or have never been, I would really encourage you to find out
more about it. It involves spending two days sitting beneath big tents,
listening to and being captivated by professional storytellers. They don't read
to you from books, they "tell". They tell cultural stories, traditional tales,
and stories from their own pasts. Our family has really enjoyed this tradition
and would love to share it with everyone! I always come home wanting to tell
stories about my childhood to my children — I think that is probably a good