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Our Aunties and Uncles: L to R Craig and Mace Rich, Lesa and Steve Udall. Just behind them are my Dad's brother, Uncle Stanley and his wife Aunt LuJean. They are all always so supportive of me and my siblings. Besides the fact that we love them and enjoy seeing them, their presence truly helps us feel like our parents are here with us, which I'm sure they are more than we know.

Our Aunties and Uncles: L to R Craig and Mace Rich, Lesa and Steve Udall.  Just behind them are my Dad's brother, Uncle Stanley and his wife Aunt LuJean.  

They are all always so supportive of me and my siblings.  Besides the fact that we love them and enjoy seeing them, their presence truly helps us feel like our parents are here with us, which I'm sure they are more than we know. Next