So Tess needed a car to get the job and a job to get the car. She got both this week! Actually she got two jobs. She will teach 1st grade at Canyon View Elementary (across the street from Brighton High School) starting in August. In the meantime, she got a job at a daycare/preschool for the VA at the University of Utah. For the time being she is living at home which is fun for us!
Category Archives: Family
Madeleine turns 21 and Alan turns???
Tess graduates from BYU
Waterford Spring Dance
Spring must be on its way…love it.
Madeleine leg pressing her dad :)
Elliot turns 18!
So now Elliot gets to be ordained an Elder and vote this November! I don’t think there is anything else very exciting that he can do until he turns 21 right? Oh, that’s right…go on a mission!
He is still BYU’s #1 Biggest Fan, so of course he got more BYU paraphernalia for his birthday. Good thing he got accepted to the school 🙂
Another birthday for me too…
Valentine’s Day
A day for sweethearts…mine offered to make us a special dinner of Steak Diane (my all time favorite steak). It’s actually not the steak I like…it’s the brandy and mushrooms! After dinner we watched The Lake House which turns out to be (yes, a sappy chick flick) an actual Valentine’s Day movie. Who knew?