Because I have a husband who really loves me, I left him on his own for 5 days and went to New Hampshire to play with my college friend, Melora. Coincidentally her husband was out of town and so we played! We drove down to Rockport MA, which is on Cape Ann. It was a gorgeous day and we had such a good time browsing the shops, sharing fish and chips and taking pictures of the famous fishing shack named Motif #1 that apparently is one of the top 10 photographed spots in New England.
If you have seen the movie “The Proposal” with Sandra Bullock then you might remember that it was supposed to be taking place in Alaska. Well, the cute town that you see in the movie (including the amazingly cool house where the weekend / wedding takes place) is really Rockport MA. The red fishing shack behind us is where she awkwardly climbs down the ladder in her suit and heels to the waiting motorboat.
Melora also took me kayaking for my first time around Lake Massabesic. That’s right, we loaded and unloaded those babies all by ourselves! Sunday night we enjoyed the super blood red moon in her backyard — we had a great view!
After a crazy busy summer, Alan and I were able to get away for a few days to Monterey, California. We rented the greatest studio apartment complete with private patio, Jacuzzi, bikes, and passes to the aquarium. It was so great to relax, walk on the beach, sit in the Jacuzzi, take the 17 Mile Drive along Pebble Beach, enjoy the jellyfish exhibit, eat seafood, ride bikes and tour the Point Pino lighthouse. You should try it…you’ll like it!
Emmeline Anne Brown (now 3 months old) was blessed in church today! She was awake and happy and of course totally enjoyed wearing the beautiful dress her Nana made her and snuggling in the baby blanket that I crocheted for all my grandbabies to blessed in.
This weekend, Loren graduated with his PhD in Psychology from BYU. He finished his internship at Notre Dame this past July and now still needs to become licensed to work in Utah which involves many supervised hours of counseling as well as taking just one more test — which only costs $600 to take! He will begin counseling in September with Dr. Gentry in Pleasant Grove. They have already put his name on the door! Congrats, Dr. Loren Brown! Congrats to Anne too — no one does this by themselves — it takes a lot of spouse and family sacrifice.
Clark is officially on his mission! He was set apart last night and we dropped him off (pretty much a 5 minute thing) at the MTC in Provo, where he will spend the next 6 weeks learning Spanish before heading to the Texas, Dallas mission.
Tess and Trevor are an eternal family! We celebrated with a beautiful reception the night before the wedding at the Carmelle Reception Center. We appreciate how many friends and family came to congratulate them. The wedding was the next afternoon (July 18) in the Bountiful Temple. Everything went great — even the weather was perfect. The Sudweeks hosted a delicious dinner in their back yard afterwards. It was such a lovely day and we all feel so blessed.
After 24 years of attending The Waterford School, our chapter comes to a close as Clark becomes our 6th and final graduate. Coincidentally, Nancy Heuston, the founder and head of school, is retiring this year. We feel fortunate to finish our Waterford experience along with her. It has been a privilege to know and love so many teachers and staff that have had such a great influence on us and all of our children.
Every family loves the day when their missionary comes home. Elliot served faithfully and loves the people of Peru. There were many blessings for him, for many Peruvians and for our family because of his willingness to serve. Right now…so glad to have him safely home!
Today Anne gave birth to our second grandchild and first granddaughter, Emmeline Anne Brown was born. She weighs 7 lbs. 12 oz. and has dark hair. Big brother Kenyon is very excited — although in fact probably more excited to have his Nana sleeping over in his bedroom every night! Hope the kids sleep a lot, so the adults can get a nap here and there too! We wish we could be there, but are grateful for technology that helps us feel like we are almost there.