Category Archives: Family
Phillip’s Poetry Videos
As a fun new project Phillip has written two poems set to video. The one about horses he did for school and enjoyed it so much he decided to make another one. He asked me for some of my sunset pics…I love it!
The last of the birthdays…
Memorial Day weekend always brings birthday celebrations. Loren and Phillip turned 28 on May 28th and Tess turned 25 on June 3rd. Phillip flew in from Oregon to spend the weekend with us. It was a great weekend…Elliot gave his missionary talk in sacrament meeting (all the family came over afterwards), we celebrated Memorial Day and three birthdays! It was definitely a weekend full of family. My mother passed away on Memorial Day 16 years ago. I so wish my parents could be here sharing all these great times with us…I’m sure they are more a part of our lives than we realize. I’m sure they are watching over us all!
Dinner with our Peruvian friends…
Another BYU Graduate!
After 4 long years of hard work and dedication, Madeleine graduated this week from BYU majoring in Print Journalism with minors in Editing and German. I think we can say that she embraced college! From the classes to magazines and newspapers, from all the sports to the many many friends, she loved it all and definitely got her money’s worth!
Watch her receive her diploma.
5 Generations! Great Great Grandma Claudia with Kenyon…
Alan and Madeleine celebrate birthdays…
What the what?
Elliot’s First Temple Trip
In preparation for his mission, Elliot was able to receive his endowments in the Draper Utah Temple today. We had a nice group with Alan’s parents, Loren, Anne, Tess and Bishop Lundgren and his wife, Marla. It’s great to have so much support! It was a very nice experience and Elliot is excited to be able to attend several times before he leaves for Peru June 5th.