February 2002
Clark’s 5th Birthday
Well, our baby has
turned 5 years old! (He says he’s not a baby!) Where does the time go? Many
months ago he decided he wanted to have a "Scooby Doo" birthday party with a
pińata, so for his very first party, we invited six friends over to play games,
have ice cream and Scooby Snacks out of a doggie dish and hit a Scooby pińata. I
think everyone had a wonderful time!
We celebrated the day before his b-day with Grandma and Grandpa coming over for a Sunday Birthday dinner. Clark chose roast for dinner and we had a "Scooby paw print" cake for dessert. Then we opened presents. This was the year of the Rescue Heroes. He got a couple for Christmas and a couple more for his birthday. He and his friends really like to spend time rescuing everything they can think of!
Trivia question: Just how long can a helium balloon last?
Answer: Clark’s
Scooby Doo birthday balloon is still up – 5 weeks and counting!
Valentine’s Day
We started the day with pink
heart-shaped pancakes and finished with grilled cheese sandwiches with
heart-shaped centers, raspberry jello with whipped cream hearts, and cherry
7-up. Lest you think the day was all about food, we did spend the entire
afternoon tracing each other onto butcher paper and coloring ourselves. We had
done this many, many years ago and Phillip wanted to do it again. The biggest
challenge always seems to be the face!
The kids were out of school for the
entire Olympics; the school took a week of vacation away from us at Christmas
and combined it with our spring break, so (sing this part...) Here we were
together, together, together, oh oh here we were together, so what did we
Melora and Thomas
Our good friends Melora
and Thomas Collette from New Hampshire came for the second week of the
Olympics. Michelene and Melora both had birthdays that week so they treated
themselves to shopping, lunch and birthday pedicures! They hadn’t spent their
birthdays together in about 15 years!
We took the Collettes, the older kids, along with Michelene’s sisters Melinda and Melanie to see "Light of the World." It was fun all riding in Hugo together. We took a short? detour on the way home to get pictures of the cauldron at the stadium and then finished off with root beer freezes from Dairy Queen. We especially want to thank Alan’s mom, Pat, for taking the boys over night!
The next day, just the Moms and Dads went back downtown to see the short track speed skating. It was a bummer that the USA teams did so poorly, but it was pretty cool to be there.
Michelene’s Birthday
For my birthday, I requested
hash browns and strawberry soup with yogurt for breakfast. Loren and Phillip had
stayed up late the night before to make it and it was wonderful! After breakfast
Melora and I headed out to shop at Gardner Village where we also had lunch at
Archibald’s. After lunch we headed to the Treehouse Athletic club – to their spa
for birthday pedicures. If you have never had one, don’t, because then
you will want to have another one! We had to drive home in our complimentary
deluxe paper flip flops, because our nails needed to dry. We had wanted to see
the movie "Kate and Leopold", but it was no longer in the theaters, so we
settled for a movie at home on my bed. Loren prepared my birthday dinner
(Panhandle Chicken – my usual at Bennetts!) Instead of cake, I requested cream
puffs. Phillip took this project on and had great success.