Clark Oral Surgery
We started out the new year with some oral surgery for Clark. He needed brackets attached to some baby teeth that weren't coming down on their own. It wasn't too big a deal, but it was his first time going under anesthetic. He did great and enjoyed a little extra attention along with a root beer freeze.
The season is here again and while we don't have season tickets and mostly watch the games on TV, we did have a neighbor call last minute and offer two tickets on the 13th row to the game one Saturday. So very spontaneously Alan and Elliot jumped in the car and headed to Provo. I wanted a photo of the blue hair and all the enthusiasm that exudes from big BYU fans! We are looking forward to a rematch with the University of Utah at the end of the month....go Cougars!
How exciting that our new temple is finally finished. We had tickets for the first Saturday that the temple was open to the public and so we (along with thousands of others) got to take a tour that day of the beautiful new Draper Temple. There is a lot of dark wood and two rooms with amazing murals on all the walls. Follow these links to see the construction photos and interior photos. Loren's good friend Anne came with us along with Grandma Pat and Grandpa Wally. We all had dinner together afterwards. It was a great way to spend a Saturday evening.
The following week Alan and I were invited to spend a day working in the temple assisting with the tours that day. We were able to talk to people as they finished their tour in the sealing room. We taught a brief lesson about the importance of families being sealed together in the temple and then were able to share our own feelings about being an eternal family and our love of the temple. It was a great experience for us that we will always treasure.
Every year the upper school has a spirit day where each class wears a different color. The Freshman wore blue and the Seniors wore black. Because the kids wear a uniform everyday, it is always a welcome change to be able to wear something else — especially since it can be crazy and silly as well!
I don't usually hope for storms, since I hate driving them or anyone I love having to drive in them, but the winter inversion was really getting bad and I hated knowing that we were breathing in such poor quality air. So, needless to say, I was happy last week when a good storm front moved in and dumped a good 6 inches of snow on us. The air quickly cleared up and the next day it was so cold that none of the snow melted off the trees even though it was a beautiful sunshiny day. I had to snap a few photos to help me remember that storms can be beautiful blessings.