Madeleine's Birthday
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Elliot and Clark gave Madeleine very very soft socks -- she sure loves a good texture!
Grandma and Grandpa are talking the Granddaughters on a trip this summer.  They gave Madeleine her ticket for her Birthday.
She has always wanted "Wilson."
We didn't know it at the time, but Clark was charting a graph while Madeleine was opening presents.  He wrote down each gift and how many times she screamed when she opened each one.  What a goofy kid!
She certainly does show a fair amount of enthusiasm!
Phillip discovered Eva Cassidy and now she is one of Madeleine's new favorites -- I actually like her a lot, too.  A book of Eva Cassidy piano music.
Tess is always in charge of the video camera -- I wonder if we will ever watch any of that stuff???
Grandma recovering from back surgery a few weeks ago.  In fact, this was her first outing out of her house.  I'm surprised she has any hair left -- I would have pulled all mine out having to stay in my house for three weeks!
The BYU kids -- Loren's girlfriend, Anne.
Grandpa can doze off sitting up in the middle of a party.  Poor guy needs more sleep I guess!
She blew them all out, so I guess we get our wishes...