Well, in the past year, I have had the opportunity of vacationing at four different beaches. How amazing is that? Last September Alan and I were with our friends, the Collettes, in New Hampshire, and we drove to the East coast for the day. In March, Alan and I spent a week in Hawaii. In July we took our family to vacation on the coast of California, and in August I got to spend three wonderful days with my college friend Melora, on the coast of Florida. Now it will probably be years before I get to see the ocean again! Florida came about as a result of Pat and Wally's generosity. They had an extra Marriott week they couldn't use, and so Melora flew from New Hampshire and I flew from Salt Lake and we spent three days without husbands, children, or household responsibilities. It was great!
Phillip and Loren leave for BYU
The week after I got home was a big one. Loren and Phillip moved away to college. Yes, they are both BYU students living in Helaman Halls on campus. They went down for Freshman Orientation, got moved in and started making some friends. They are not living together and have roomates from California and Arizona. They seem to be enjoying school so far and really enjoy their art classes. They would love to keep in touch with everyone, so we will give you their addresses. The family seems a lot smaller especially when any of the remaining children are away from home for various activities. So, we are missing them, but we are so thrilled that they are able to have this opportunity.
That same last week of August, our extended family welcomed two new babies. Andrew Parberry Morgan was born to Mark and Cherry on August 27th at 6:07 pm, weighing in at 9 lbs 5 oz and measuring 22" long. Melinda and Jared are the proud parents of Karen Marie Crapo born on August 30th at about 11:15 pm, weighing in at 6 lbs 8 oz. Both the babies are darling and we are so excited that they are safely here and part of the family.
On a rather miscellaneous note, I took a few pictures of other things: Clark losing his first tooth, Elliot's creative Lego creations, Clark and Elliot wrestling on the floor, and one of our many beautiful summer sunsets.
The sports have started up again. Clark and Madeleine are playing soccer, Tess and Madeleine are on Waterford volleyball teams and we have tickets to BYU Football. So, if you don't find us at home, we are probably watching a game somewhere. Thank goodness Elliot's basketball season doesn't coincide with football, soccer and volleyball!