New Babies for Cherry and Melinda
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We had a baby shower for Melinda, and  many friends and family came to support her.  Patty Morgan (a cousin) had quilted a baby quilt that had been marked by our Grandmother, Kaye Morgan who passed away about 8 years ago.  Grandma Morgan had tried to make baby quilts for all of her great grandchildren, and now even Melinda has one!  How thoughtful of Patty.
I gave Melinda and Cherry matching baby outfits and so I had Cherry open hers that same night.
Someone suggested that to be accurate, we would need to hold the outfits upside down!  Too funny!
For a personal progress project, Tess learned how to make and tie a baby quilt which she gave to Melinda.
Little Andrew Parberry Morgan arrived on the scene on Wed. August 27, 2003 at about 6:07 pm. He weighed 9 lbs. 4 oz and measured 22" long!
Clark and Madeleine with their new cousin.
The new mother -- the survivor!
Aunties Melinda and Michelene.  Melinda would have her baby two days later.
Welcome to the world, Karen Marie Crapo!  She was born Saturday, August 30, 2003 at about 11:15 pm, weighing 6 lbs 8 oz.
Another survivor and new mother -- Melinda!
The proud parents of little Karen Marie.
Karen's favorite Auntie....I can say that because I'm the writer!