Sledding on New Year's Day
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Do they make sleds for grown ups?  Alan barely fits!
Cherry and Andrew - always interested in a ball.
Steve Udall - notice his hat flying off his head!
Melinda with Karen
Michael Udall
Jared taking a run with Karen.
Justin Morgan - just too tired - gotta take a rest...
Miranda Hulme - "Do it again, do it again!"
Clark trying to be cute for the camera.
Cherry's Mom, Janet Parberry. 
She must have taken at least 10 runs -- now there's a happenin' Grandma for you!
Melinda spinning around and around - gotta love the dish!
Miranda Hulme with her faithful sledding pal Alan.
Briana and Marielle Hulme - leave it to Briana to take the ride backwards!
Snowball fight!
Everyone against Alan - sounds fair to me...
Everyone to the cars for hot chocolate and doughnuts!
Sippin' hot chocolate through licorice?