Oregon Vacation
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One the way to Oregon!  Madeleine and Elliot having a little fun teasing Clark who for some reason was resisting having his picture taken!
It's amazing what some of us resort to for entertainment during a 16 hour drive.
Beautiful Mount Shasta out the window -- some of the drive was really beautiful.  The Nevada desert -- not so much.
We arrived late Friday night and so of course we had to go out to breakfast Saturday morning.  This is a local favorite...Mattie's Pancake House.
Yummiest hashbrowns ever!  And crepes with lingonberry butter...oh yeah.  The kids thought we should go out to breafast every morning!
No, this isn't a picture postcard, this is the view looking one direction off our deck...
and this is the view looking the other direction -- absolutely beautiful.
When the tide was down, we all went exploring.
Many fun tide pools with large starfish, anemones, barnacles, limpets, and mussels.
You can't really tell from the picture, but there were lots of very colorful rocks that were fun to pick up.
This was the first of three puzzles the boys did.
Alan especially loves puzzling -- it helps him unwind and relax.
A couple different nights we went down to the beach to roast marshmallows.  We had fun telling funny stories and trying to remember camp songs while we waited for the fire to burn down.
Instead of the usual S'more, we have branched out by putting small pieces of various types of chocolate in the center of the marshmallows.  We had only tried a regular Hershey bar in the past -- this time we put in small pieces of a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup and we even tried a Rollo.  Out of S'mollos and S'meeses, everyone decided S'meeses were the best!
Madeleine captured this picture from our deck of me taking a sunset walk on the beach.
The deck seemed to be the best place to be able to get on the Internet -- that's right, some people just can't stay away, even on vacation!
Reading and then napping in the sun.  It was kind of weird to be cold and worry about sun burn at the same time.
Clark enjoyed collecting interestingly shaped driftwood.
The kids enjoyed some freezing cold wave jumping...
and some fun beach frisbee.