San Francisco Trip
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This is one of the famous cells that a prisonser escaped from by scraping the vent hole bigger with a spoon from the dinning room. He was then able to escape up between the backs of the cells up to the roof.  It was never discovered whether they all 3 escaped or drowned.
We were allowed to go into one of the cells.  The whole thing was rather sobering.
The lighthouse on Alcatraz -- still in use today.
In the kitchen there were silhouettes of the knives so that at a glance it would be obvious if anything was missing.
The recreation yard looking out from the building.  Alan is the little guy in a yellow shirt with a black backpack.
Looking back towards the penitentary.  I'm the little person on the big stairs.
In the bookstore at the end of the tour there was an ex-convict there to sign the book he had written about the four years he had spent as a prisoner at Alcatraz.
A rare photo of us together -- on our way back from Alcatraz.
We decided to take a cable tour around San Francisco.
Coming up to the Golden Gate Bridge.
Alan at the other end of the bridge.  When we first got there, the bridge was covered in fog.  But, as we stood there watching, it all rolled away.
The famous escalators in the opening scenes of "What's Up Doc" with Barbra Streisand and Ryan O'Neal.