Memorial Day
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Here we are at the Mount Pleasant cemetery.  I am standing between my great great grandparents on my mother's side, James Harvey Tidwell and Emma Sanders Tidwell.  Madeleine "trekked" for Emma last summer.  She was born in Nauvoo and was given her name by the Prophet Joseph Smith. She has a great story about being stolen out of the back of the wagon while crossing the plains, by Indians intrigued with her red hair.  Of course she was rescued!
Picnicking in Mount Pleasant at a park across the street from the cemetery.
Here we are in the Ephraim Cemetery.  Clark is cleaning off presents left by the birds.  This is a monument to my great-grandfather Wilford Lewis Breinholt and his wife Jenny Marie Andreasen Breinholt.
Wilford Lewis Breinholt's father, Jens Peter Larsen, and his wife Anna Sophia.  They are my great-great-grandparents.
Clark made friends with a very tame butterfly that would sit on his finger and even crawl onto Phillip's hand.
The kids are resting at our fourth and final cemetery of the day -- the Freedom Pioneer Cemetery.  The tall monument marks where my great-great-great-grandfather William Draper Jr. is buried.