Mothers Day
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Talking and laughing on the phone with Phillip in Madrid on Mother's Day.
I took pictures of us all just sitting around listening to him tell us all about Spain.
Tess of course was realizing that next Mother's Day it will be her calling us from Poland!
The "happy couple" giving Phillip a few wedding details.
Later that afternoon we had surprise visitors come to the door.  Wally's 1st cousin Lois Turner, her husband Elmo, and her two daughters, Jill and Jean Turner.  It was so fun to have them stop by while they were in the neighborhood.  We had a fun time listening to them reminisce.
We had a yummy fresh lime, raspberry cake that Madeleine made from our new ward cookbook.
Some of the kids gave me the Doris Day movie, Glass Bottom Boat.  On the cover was a rather scandelous drawing of Doris as Mata Hari , so Madeleine is censoring it for us!
Clark gave me a flower I can't possibly kill, a great pop-up card reminding me of so many mother's day cards from days gone by, and a box of Mike'n Ikes.
These are my "Acts of Service" gifts: 
Tess is going to make dinner for a whole week when she moves home from BYU at the end of June -- wahoo!  She's been taking a cooking class at school and has some fun new recipes to try.  
Elliot gave me a whole page of service coupons. None of the other kids could believe he would give me so many -- one of them said to him, "Don't you know you're supposed to run it past me first?"
Tess and I accidentally came down dressed for church in opposite brown and green outfits.
From one nursing home to another, a fun visit for Shirley from cousins Lois and Elmo Turner.