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Mark mixing up the annual Thanksgiving perfect egg nog concoction.
Elliot stirring gravy while Alan works on the mashed potatoes.
L-R Jackson Crapo, Annalisa Israelsen, Briana Hulme, and Karen Crapo enjoying dinner at the little guys table.... Briana is actually a big girl volunteering to help the little guys, which we really appreciated!
Melinda serving up stuffing to Marielle Hulme, Camilla and Andrew Israelsen.
Brian Israelsen and Jared Crapo helping Andrew and Benjamin Israelsen and Andrew Morgan.
Miranda Hulme and Bethany Israelsen.
Emily Israelsen, Clark Brown and Parker Morgan.
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe and had so many kids she didn't know what to do...oh that's right, they are all just visiting...whew!  We had 16 kids 12 and under eating in the first shift of Thanksgiving dinner.
Briana Hulme and Karen Crapo.
Analisa Israelsen
The younger set of adults....uh oh, how did Mark get in there?!
Elliot got creative with the camera and took this from the stair for me.
Melanie holding Daniel Crapo and Karen Crapo sitting between Megan and Brian.
Cherry and Mark trying to get comfortable on the same chair after a big dinner.
The chef and his assistant taking a load off.
The girlie cousins all had their American Girl Dolls to take to the sleepover at Aunt Melinda's house that night.
Uncle Al the kiddie's pal...or tormentor!
Melanie with her daughter Adelheid.
Loren and Tess with Daniel Crapo.  They were laughing because they looked like the proud new parents!
Cherry trying to get a kiss from her son Justin.