Sister Tess Brown
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Last time teaching at TRC -- the ones without nametags are all returned missionaries from Poland who came to volunteer at the MTC.
Group picture with our very tall teacher, Brat Colvin.
Last Sunday with Loren -- so fun for me that he works at the MTC!
Also fun to be with Uncle Mark and Aunt Susan.  (Uncle Mark is a counselor in the MTC mission presidency.)
Classic map picture.
5:00 am -- waiting to get on the bus to go to the Salt Lake Airport.
On the plane with Sister Helfrich.
In Austria getting on the plane for Poland!
In front of the mission home before leaving to meet our trainers.
My first Kebab in Poland with my new companion Sister Rouse.
In Katowice.  This is the Spodek (which means saucer in Polish) which is where they have big concerts and games.  We can see it from our apartment window.
Amazing first p-day!  We went castle climbing...