Pittsburgh and Kirtland
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Pittsburgh Skyline -- the Allegheny River meets up with the Monongahela River to form the Ohio River that empties into the Mississippi River.
A nighttime view -- a little out of focus since I don't travel with a tripod!
Alan in front of the Newell K. Whitney Store in Kirtland, Ohio
The Church always does such a good job with their restoration projects.
This is the room where Joseph Smith received several revelations.
I loved the old fence, well...at least the new fence looking like an old fence...
Here is my brother Matt, his wife Elasha and their family - Talmage is 6, Julia is 4 and baby Anna is 4 months old.  They were very good travelers!
This is the picture I took -- the trees still had a lot of foliage.
Here we are at the Kirland Temple which is currently owened by The Community of Christ.
Matt took this picture last year -- you can see the temple much better in this one as the trees have really lost most of their leaves.
Here we are with Aunt Erva Meyer.  She is our Grandma Morgan's sister.  She is 85 years old.
It was so fun to talk with her.  She reminded me a lot of my grandma, but also really sounded so much like her mother, my great grandmother whom I remember very well.
This is Matt and Elasha's house -- a tall skinny thing with lots of stairs inside and out.  No wonder Matt and Elasha are so thin!
We spent a bit of time at the Carnegie Science Center -- a very fun place for kids and grown ups.
This is an infra red picture of Matt taking a pictue of Alan kissing me while I'm waving to you.  Can you see it?
Here we are in the earthquake cafe, where you get to choose the magnitude of your very own earthquake.  Notice the swinging light fixture.  I was holding on so that I could even stay on my seat!