Home > halloween
Good thing we have a Dad who likes to scrape all the "guts" out!
The intense carving begins...
Ta Da....the finished product.
The flashlight test...
Clark's pumpkin goes along with his costume theme.
Elliot's costume was offically labeled "Indecision."  It included a little bit of everything we had in the dress up bucket.  Clark wanted to be a smiley face.
Clark is a happy kind of guy...
Clark with his friends Grant Valentine (the tooth fairy) and Nicholas Stewart (the Energizer Bunny.)  The cute part of their story is that Clark came home and said that after a while they took turns carrying the drum.  So much for the battery that keeps on going, and going, and going....
How do you like my new 50% off Halloween purchase?  All the trick-or-treaters really liked it!  It reminds me of the horrible awful spider in the Harry Potter movie....argh.