Clark's Birthday
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More Legos -- What is Mom thinking?!
Clark loves to read...
A racquetball glove for the serious racquetball player.  Clark plays with his Dad on many Saturday mornings.
A birthday kiss from his sister Madeleine.
Eleven candles -- not a little kid anymore....
The three Amigos!
Clark's friends watching him open presents at his birthday party.
We made and served basketball sugar cookies...
Happy Birthday Clark!
I forgot to say, but you can tell by the sign that Clark decided to have a "Basketball" party.
All the kids got a basketball...
...and we all bounced our way down to the church for the rest of our b-ball party.
Fun relay races...
Over, under, over, under....
And then we played a real game.  Here Clark is throwing a free throw shot after being fouled.
The final activity -- a basketball piņata filled with treats -- fun.