This year Clark turned 11 years old. I feel like I am quickly running out of children! I was consoling myself with the fact that it would still be another year before he went to Mutual with the other kids, only to discover that the 11 year old scout program meets at the same time the Mutual kids meet, so he is now out of the house on Tuesday evenings and alas alack, Alan and I are alone! How can this be?
Aunt Shirley turned 78 this year (note that her cake says "39") and we celebrated with pizza and brownies at the Sandy Regional Care Center where she lives. Pat and Wally were there as well as her brother David and his wife Gayle. Shirley seemed to have a good time even though she couldn't blow out her own candles this year — of course Elliot took care of that for her. She is patiently existing and waiting for her turn to "go home."
We don't usually celebrate Valentines Day too much other than the exchanging of a fair amount of chocolate. But this year, Alan took me out to dinner and then to the temple. It was really nice to be in the temple together even though it was packed with many other "sweethearts!" It will be so nice to have the Draper temple finished soon.
In school, one of Madeleine's teachers held a valentine box competition with lunch out as the reward. Madeleine and her friend Ayja decided to go for it and after several hours of cutting and pasting (briefly interrupted by having to render first aid to Clark who burned several fingers while using the glue gun while making his box) did in fact create award-winning valentine boxes — and yes, their teacher took them out to lunch at Quizno's. There are photos if you are interested!
This year Elliot played on the Waterford 8th Grade Basketball Team. They had a good season with only one loss. The tournament didn't go so well unfortunately, but they had a lot of fun. Next year he will be in High School and things should get much more exciting!
Michelene's Birthday
Well, it was the big 45 this year. After this year, I'll officially have to start rounding up to 50 — how can this be true? My eyes and my hips are feeling older, but the rest of me doesn't! What is crazy is looking back to when my parents were this age and realizing that I did in fact think they were kinda old. So, what I can learn from that is that people my parents' age aren't that old and that I am actually quite young — right?!
In some ways it seems like Loren just barely left for his mission in Texas, and yet of course, in many ways it seems like he's been gone a really long time. But the fact is that the two years are up and he invited us to come to Texas to pick him up. We left on February 28 and spent a long weekend with him touring his area. It was so wonderful to be able to meet so many members and converts that he had formed such good relationships with.
It was especially fun to see him in the role of a missionary as he left them a gospel message from the scriptures and as we all prayed for them together. The people are so humble and appreciative of the gospel in their lives. Many could speak some English (which was nice) but most spoke Spanish and Loren was our wonderful translator. I was wishing the whole time that I could speak Spanish and have decided that I am going to make a real effort to learn it.
It was difficult for him to leave the people and be finished being a missionary. But, he knows it is important to go on now with the rest of his life. President Holbrook did a wonderful job of releasing him — what a wonderful blessing for us as parents, for our family and for our ward and stake to have had Loren serving this mission. It will bless him for the rest of his life.
Phillip is doing well as he adjusts to life in Spain. He sends us fun descriptive letters (if you don't get his e-mails and would like to, just let us know) that let us know that while it is definitely different and is truly taking some adjustment, that he is committed and is making the effort and is already having good experiences. I think he is a bit homesick, so as you write to him, try not to say too much about what he is missing here, but rather try to inspire him in the work.
Tess our BYU co-ed
Tess is doing well at school, but is a bit tired of being an RA in the dorms and has lots of papers to write this term (not her favorite!) She is doing well in her classes though and is looking forward to moving off campus and living with some of her friends as she attends spring and summer terms. She is also looking forward to having Loren back at BYU with her!
Madeleine, Clark and Elliot are all doing well, and were excited of course to have Loren come home. In two years they have all changed a lot and it was fun at the airport to see Loren's reaction to the growth spurts!
For Famous American Day in the Fifth Grade, Clark chose Wilbur and Orville Wright. He wrote a fabulous report, made a great poster, and got to dress up as Wilbur.
Madeleine was very busy with violin, playing in a strings concert and a chamber orchestra concert. She also had a fun dressing up for Spirit Day — all red!
They survived finals and are looking forward to their spring break and then beginning some new classes.