Texas with Loren
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Picking up Loren from the McAllen Mission Office.
He was just sitting there working on the computer when we walked in.
We got to meet for a few minutes with the President Miller and his wife.  They are wonderful people.
A few of the ties in in his extensive tie collection.  If you need a tie for a special occasion, just call Loren!
We met with many wonderful people.  This is Bother and Sister Alaniz.  They have only been members for a few years.
They have just recently been through the temple together.
Loren in front of the World's Largest Bee -- everything in Texas is big!
Meeting with Sister Treviņo, a sweet sister who joined the church years ago and now has a wonderful posterity of church members.
All the sweet sisters wanted to hug Loren good-bye, but couldn't because he was still a missionary.
Texans are so proud of their state, that the waffles come out looking like Texas!
Meeting the Saldaņas -- strong members in the Weslaco ward.
Brother and Sister Valdez always took good care of the missionaries and in return, the missionaries put up his Christmas lights every year!
Here we are visiting the Carrasco family in Weslaco.  They are strong members and have both served missions.  They love to go with the missionaries to members present lessons.
Initially we thought the Casteņeda family had moved, but then we were able to find them and visit with them for a few minutes.  She is the mother of 7 boys and one girl -- cute Rosie.
On the way to Laredo, we stopped on the off chance we might be able to find Germain Alanis and he was actually out working in the yard.  Loren was glad to get to say good-bye.  He and his girlfriend, Edith were the first people he taught that were baptized.
Sister Cecilia Soto who is raising her autistic son by herself and is so happy to have found the gospel.  She recently went through the temple.