San Francisco
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You cannot believe the incredible city views from the side and back of the temple -- simply breathtaking!
The view from the temple looking back up the grounds towards the enterance.  There were literally thousands of daffodils lining both sides of the grounds.  They even had music playing out of the speakers in the shrubs.  It was such a serene and peaceful place.
The family at the Oakland Temple Visitor Center.
Loren especially loved touring the Scharffen Berger chocolate factory.  He loves cooking and baking with chocolate -- especially dark chocolate, which is the only kind they make here.
Preparing to take the tour and taste the generous samples.
A visit to the Cable Car Museum.
The boys "riding" the cable car and Alan pulling on the brake lever.  Those brake guys really have to work hard!
Back at Fisherman's Wharf for the promised Ben & Jerry's ice cream cone.  Clark wouldn't let us forget!