Thanksgiving in Arizona
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L to R: Julia, Elasha and Matt Morgan, Alan and Michelene and Karen Crapo.
The cooks and owners of the Crapo Bed and Breakfast -- Jared and Melinda.
With the exception of Justin Morgan (the one in the red sweatshirt) the whole family are BYU fans!
Alan taught Karen how to do Sudokus -- she loved it and caught right on!
Phillip and Madeleine resting after the "big dinner."
Madeleine making friends with Kate Morgan.
Madeleine with Daniel -- I think she is trying to be the favorite cousin!
But she has competition in Elliot who is also trying to be the favorite cousin!  I'm sure there is room for more than one :)
Daniel playing under the blanket with Phillip.  You can tell that Daniel was the star of this Thanksgiving photo shoot!  He's just so darn cute!
So back to Daniel's fascination with electronics that have cords and hoses -- his all time favorite things are vacuums and especially this hoover upright which he calls a "wee."
He looks like a total professional as he puts the hose where it goes, pulls the cord out across the room so that he can wind it up without getting it tangled and then opens the pantry door and wheels it in where upon he closes the door and says, "wee night night."
We all thought it was so cute that Elliot videoed it on his cell phone and then played it back for Daniel to watch!
Julia and Karen with matching French braids having a great time playing on scooters outside in the back yard.
That's the great part about Arizona -- a lot warmer than Utah!  The pool wasn't heated, so nobody but Talmage was brave enough to swim in the cold pool water.  But then Clark started thinking he might want to jump in...
and eventually sucumbing to pressure from the crowd went ahead and took the plunge!
Jackson is the smart one who knew how to get on the floatie without getting wet!